Stone Identification on 4 Rings

Could anyone please tell me what possible types of turquoise I have in these 4 rings. Thank you in advance for looking. :slight_smile:

I would call stone one Turquoise Mountain. The other three just don’t show enough characteristic to make a choice. Most likely they are all stabilized Kingman.

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Thank you always for your time. :blush:

Hi. I just bought a ring today that looks very similar to your number 2 ring here. Can you tell me what the hallmark is for your ring? Mine has a B D with an arrow in the middle and Sterling above that (see pic). I’m trying to track down the artist…thanks!!

Here are the pics of the ring I picked up today… I think it’s Navajo with Kingman turquoise (or Royston?) possibly stabilized. Your second ring must be the same maker, I’d think…